Night Fire

Did you know that 80% of potentially lethal encounters occur in low light?

INSIGHT’S Night Fire course goes way beyond turning off the lights and shooting. In this Advanced Night Fire Class will learn how to use darkness as your friend and develop the tactical advantage. Let us show you the secret of how to shoot as accurately in low-light as you can in broad-daylight. You have to experience it, to believe it. If you miss out on this class you will be at an 80% disadvantage.

Elements Include:

  • Low light accuracy against threat or assault
  • Sight alignment techniques for low light conditions
  • Flashlight techniques
  • Using cover in low light do’s and don’ts

Special Requirements:
(Deadly Accuracy & Speed Shooting Courses are a prerequisite)

  • Pistol
  • Holster
  • 200 rounds of ammunition
  • Flashlight

Tuition: 1497.00


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