Law Enforcement Instructor Training

 This Is the Most Effective….
Firearms Training System
Ever Developed!!

Amazing New Firearms Training System
Gives You Even More Control…..Of Your Accuracy……..
Than You Ever Dreamed Possible!

Discover How To….
Influence Your Students……….
So They Can Shoot…
With The Accuracy Of A Laser Guided Missile

This Video PROVES…..
What Kind of Results Can Be Achieved:

(These Results ARE Typical !)


Sgt. Clinton Nicholas
Clayton County Police Dept.,  Jonesboro, GA

Here Is Your Personal Invitation ….
To Become One Of The Few People On The Planet
To Discover The Advanced Secrets………..
Of Teaching Precision Accuracy
Face-To-Face With Matt & Sherrie Seibert

This event is exclusive for Law Enforcement Trainers ONLY!

Please Contact Us To Schedule This Course At Your Location

Dear Fellow Firearms Instructor,

I have firearms instructors ask me all the time; “How do you get your students shooting so accurately, so quickly?”  They’ll watch our class from the viewing area or watch a video clip of us teaching and they tell us that they have been teaching firearms for many years and do not understand how we get our results.  I share with them . . . on “face value” of what we teach may seem similar to traditional training, but it’s in the elements of what’s Not Evident, is where you will find the value and discover the secrets to creating amazing results.

When I first started researching peak performance training, I realized I had to “prospect for gold”.  There was no magic bullet in the firearms industry to getting someone shooting 1-hole groups starting with their very first shots. We all know; “you keep the sights in alignment as you compress the trigger without disturbing the alignment.”  Right! . .  . But as you know, that isn’t enough to get everyone shooting extremely accurately . . . especially if you want them to do it starting with their very first shots.  If you allow your students to shoot anything other than perfect shots, you are conditioning them to shoot inaccurately . . . That’s a tough nut to swallow, but it’s true . . . and we’ll prove it!

Imagine my surprise when I realized it was a collection of golden nuggets and sometimes even little nuances of gold dust that weren’t really visible to the naked eye, which when collected created amazing value and completely changed the outcome of the shooter’s performance.

How do we do it?  First, we spend a lot of time on the front end setting up the structure of the learning experience.  From there we create a foundation that includes the necessary tools to make the gold of the process very visible and easy to collect, then easily refined into precision accuracy.

You can continue to dig for the secrets by yourself, and maybe it won’t take you 16 years like it did me to find the nuggets of gold that will have YOU and ALL of your students shooting 1-hole groups easily and instantly.  OR Consider attending our 5-Day Advanced Law Enforcement Instructors Course and we’ll give you the keys to the goldmine.

Your Invitation To The 5-Day Advanced Firearms Instructor Program

I’ll cut to the chase here…

1. This is a “Closed-Door” event and numbers will be strictly limited.  Only those who receive this personal invitation will be considered.

2. This is the ONLY scheduled Law Enforcement Training that Matt & Sherrie currently have on their calendar in 2016.  Their civilian market has been Sold Out 6-12 months in advance the past 7 years.

3. Matt and Sherrie will personally conduct the entire training and will be closely observing every single attendee to make sure you really “get” this and become an expert in this system of firearms training.

Important. This will be the most advanced system in firearms training you have ever experienced… You do NOT need a high level of teaching skills or accuracy to attend.

In fact… We are prepared to accept relative newcomers. We enjoy working with new instructors because they are open to learning new approaches.

It will be helpful if you already have some experience in teaching others to how shoot, but if you haven’t, then no need to worry!

With that clear, we will walk you through an amazing five days of transformation.

Still SKEPTICAL ?  . . . Check Out This Video ?


Jan Wright
Retired Hamburg, NJ Police Chief & Firearms Instructor

Call  To Schedule Your Training

5-Days Of Amazing Training

A Revolutionary NEW System For Teaching
Precision Accuracy – Course Content:



This 5-Day program will present the most revolutionary firearms training system available.  It will give you and anyone you teach the insight and skills to shoot with absolute precision accuracy.  We guarantee that you will gain more insight into teaching marksmanship and the shooting process in this 5 day instructor program than in any other firearms training course offered anywhere else !

You’ll discover . . .

A revolutionary method of teaching based on the newest findings in learning, psychology and brain science.

  • Why do many students struggle to shoot accurately or need remedial training with the firearms training methods currently used today?  We will present the newest scientific information on learning and motor skill development required for peak performance.
  • Every instructor will have the opportunity to evaluate the methods they are currently using in teaching marksmanship and tactics and look for opportunities to improve their existing program.
  • Have you ever wondered why your students sometimes “just don’t get it” or fail to apply the techniques you have taught them? . . .  We’ll clearly demonstrate how your students neurologically process your instructions and how they represent those instructions in terms of motor output, and how you can achieve better responses.
  • If shooting accurately is as easy as aligning the sights and compressing the trigger so the sights stay in alignment when the shot is released, then why can’t every student shoot 1-hole groups instantly? You will learn how to give your students the ability to shoot with precision accuracy (1-hole groups) starting with their very first shots.
  • You’ll learn psychological teaching strategies that will increase your students’ accuracy by 75% before they even begin shooting.Entering the “ZONE” of peak performance. What is it?  How to achieve it? And how to get your students to enter it on demand.
  • Have you ever shown a student how to take a proper grip and the minute you turn your back they regress to using an improper grip? When you have to continually re-mediate a student’s behavior, you waste time and both you and the student end up very frustrated.  We’ll give you the tools so you can change your student’s behavior instantly and permanently.
  • How to create the phenomenon called “parallel processing” in which both hemispheres of the brain are engaged so the unconscious can drive the shooting process, and the conscious mind is free to strategize and execute tactics.

Most people, don’t consciously violate the rules of firearms safety.

  • We’ll identify the neuro-psychological causes of unintentional, careless, and negligent discharges.
  • Discover a new and powerful psychological technique that cements safety habits directly into the unconscious so that the rules of firearms safety are always followed.
  • How to program the brain to send up a red flag if the primary rule of firearms safety is violated at the unconscious level to prevent accidental discharges.
  • A revolutionary new method of teaching firearms safety that will assure a safer firearms owner and shooter.


  • Range Rules of Conduct
  • Safety Lecture, Range Rules & Commands of Fire


  • We will explore the extent of the instructors’ knowledge of marksmanship and their ability to apply those skills on the range.  We will identify their strengths, build on their previous training and create a training plan to further his/her marksmanship and instructor skills to a level of mastery.

If your emotions are kept under control you will be able to maintain precision accuracy in any environment.

  • Wouldn’t you agree that if you took all the emotions out of the shooting process, the shooter would transform into a biological automatron and shoot with machine-like precision?  You will learn proven techniques to keep your students’ emotional states under control in any situation.
  • Discover 3 powerful techniques to neuro-code the shooting process so your students naturally synchronize their minds, emotional states, and their bodies so they can achieve peak performance on demand.
  • Learn how to get your students shooting with precision accuracy so precision shots are the norm and missed shots become an anomaly that falls within the 3% variance of human performance.
  • Find a new way to accelerate the learning process by over 200% and achieve precision accuracy “instantly”.
  • How to instantly recover from a “Startle Response” to regain control of your emotions and shoot with absolute confidence and machine like accuracy.

A Formula for Instant Success

  • Why train your students to shoot “Precision Shots”?  You will learn why “Tactical or Combat Accuracy” can put you at risk.  We will present the latest scientific research on terminal ballistics and what it really takes to stop a threat.
  • The secrets to shooting “Precision Shots” faster than most people can shoot using the “Spray and Pray” method.
  • Techniques and skills that will instantly have your students shooting 1-hole to 1-1/2” groups at 15 feet within minutes of training on the range using less than a box of ammunition.
  • Learn how to get your students shooting 3” groups or tighter at 30 feet with consistency within the first hour of training regardless of their previous experience using less than 75 rounds of ammunition.
  • Become skilled at eliminating all the emotion from the shooting process and be able to transform your student’s accuracy into machine-like precision when applying tactics.
  • We’ll deconstruct the gun handling and shooting techniques used by the world’s top shooters that will give you and your students the ability to shoot with incredible accuracy and speed.
  • Discover the mental skills used by “world class athletes” that give them instant access to the “Zone” of peak performance when they need it the most.
  • A new and different way to teach the principles of marksmanship that will appeal to every learner’s style and learning strategy.  It’s this difference that will give your students the ability to shoot fast and accurately using this revolutionary new teaching system.

You’ve heard of the saying: “Garbage in – Garbage out”.  When you have a thorough scientific understanding of the visual processes required for shooting accurately, you’ll be set your students up for remarkable accuracy.

  • Why the traditional “Thumb & Forefinger Circle” and the “Two Handed Triangle” method of diagnosing eye dominance do not give an accurate read on a shooter’s eye dominance.  We will reveal the newest scientific facts about eye dominance and you will come to realize why so many shooters struggle to shoot accurately.
  • You’ll be amazed at the different types of eye dominance that exist and why a shooter’s eye dominance can become unstable or even shift to the other eye in certain conditions.  This can create a pseudo sighting plane which may cause the shooter to crossfire.
  • Using a PowerPoint Presentation loaded with examples (video clips) we will demonstrate over a dozen variations of eye dominance.
  • Insight’s 9-Point Dominance Test to guarantee the stability of your student’s sighting plane.
  • Learn how to teach your students to focus on their front sight in a way that guarantees precision accuracy by utilizing the “GIP” technique.
  • The three ocular movements required for a “shoot / don’t shoot” situation to assure the shooting is justified and the shot is accurate which will reduce your liability.


  • How to isolate the trigger finger’s movement from the rest of the hand so you don’t disturb the alignment of the sights during the trigger compression phase of the shooting process.
  • Learn the proper biomechanics for manipulating the trigger to achieve precision accuracy even when shooting a weapon with a heavy trigger pull.
  • How trigger compression affects a shooter’s emotional cognition and the potential negative effects on performance.
  • How to apply trigger compression to maximize a shooter’s performance so they can shoot a fast and accurate second shot.
  • Develop the method for integrating the required trigger compression technique to the unconscious and create muscle memory through recursion and myelination.
  • Learn why a very popular trigger control technique that is being taught by many instructors is actually setting their students up for instant failure.  We will look at the biomechanical effects of different trigger compression techniques from a scientific perspective and identify their strengths and weaknesses.  You’ll be amazed by what you’ll discover !

If the shooting foundation is properly structured, the instructor/trainee will not experience an aversion to the firing process or anticipate recoil.

  • The instructors will experience Insight’s method to achieving “instant accuracy” using neuro-psychological and biomechanical processes that structure the shooting process for success starting with the very first shots.
  • The instructors will apply the advanced principals of marksmanship and the psychological skills learned in previous blocks of instruction and will be shooting 1-hole groups in only a matter of minutes.


  • How To Achieve Speed, Accuracy and Consistency
  • The instructors will develop the pyramidal pathways for a biomechanically correct presentation of the weapon to the target.  The focus will be to economize movement and maximize speed and accuracy by sculpting the motor movements.


  • The instructors will have the opportunity to watch an Insight Instructor utilize the Insight Method on a “Challenged Shooter”.
  • We will use a modeling process so the instructors get validation that:
    • The process really works and delivers “Instant” precision accuracy.
    • The instructors will see how quickly and easily the process eliminates any aversion to the recoil process.
    • The instructors will have an opportunity to acquire a different perspective and grasp the simplicity and effectiveness of the process in action.

The instructors will learn the secrets behind the psychology and biomechanics that create the ability to shoot 1-hole groups “instantly”.

  • Neuropsychological, bio-mechanical and visual processes that will structure the shooting process for instant accuracy.
  • Overview and practical application of the Insight Trigger Compression Process for achieving a clear neuro pathway from the brain to the trigger finger.
    • Single Action Compression Technique
    • Double Action Compression Technique

Advanced Teaching Techniques & Language Patterns

  • Healing the gun, milking the trigger and flinching are all “symptoms” of a much deeper problem.  Learn how to identify the root cause of the aversion to the firing process and eliminate it forever.
  • How to interrupt a negative pattern of behavior (the “dreaded flinch”) and install a resourceful emotional state that will “instantly” modify the behavior so anyone can shoot with precision accuracy. Sound too good to be true? It is true if you get to the root cause of the problem.
  • How to integrate a “Pre-Shot Routine” into the shooting process to gain consistency and accuracy with every shot. (A Pre-Shot Routine is a specific syntax of psychological, visual and bio-mechanical processes that create a map in the mind for the body to follow.)
  • You’ll learn about Sports Psychology and Trance States.  When psychological processes are used to create a very focused state, the unconscious mind will guide the shooter into the “Zone of Peak Performance”.
  • How and why the power of advanced language patterns can bypass the conscious mind and are highly effective in programming motor skills to the unconscious.  When the motor skills are programmed to the unconscious, the unconscious will drive the behavior and produce machine-like precision accuracy.

Teaching the Insight process for “instant” precision accuracy

  • The Instructors will practice with each other using the Insight method.  They will alternate roles:  Instructor / Student.
  • Training and Cyber-Techniques for integrating the information and skills learned into the teaching application so they will be easily accepted by the student’s unconscious mind.
  • Apply the “Gip” Technique for “Instant” Success and assure your students are able to achieve focal acuity on their front sight.
  • Apply the secrets to teaching your students how to create a clear neuropathway from the brain to the trigger finger so trigger finger’s movement is isolated from the rest of the hand.  This way they don’t disturb the alignment of the sights during the trigger compression phase of the shooting process.  This virtually eliminates the anticipation and aversion to recoil.
    • Single Action Technique
    • Double Action Technique


  • The instructors will apply the advanced marksmanship and the psychological skills learned in previous blocks of instruction to produce to 1-hole groups at 15 feet and 3 inch groups at 45 feet.
  • They will develop the required cybernetic loop for delivering a surgically accurate precision sighted shot while managing their emotional state under timed fire.


  • The power of hypnosis can create muscle memory without having to shoot thousands of rounds of ammunition and spend hundreds of hours of repetition trying to integrate the skill. The instructors will integrate the newly learned information to the unconscious so the techniques learned will be as automatic as driving a car.
  • The instructors will be lead through the process of entering an Alpha State. This is a formal hypnotic closed eye induction creating a trance state where the brain produces alpha waves and is most open to suggestions and programming.(Note: This is NOT stage hypnosis like you see on TV !. . . You will learn the same powerful techniques used by World Class Sports Psychologists to assist Olympic and Professional Athletes in achieving peak performance.)


  • The instructors will be put through a series of progressive shooting drills and exercises.  At the end of the day, every participant will demonstrate their mastery of peak performance by splitting a business card “on edge” at 15 feet as a way to validate their level of skill accuracy.


  • How to develop the required cybernetic loop for delivering a surgically accurate precision sighted shot when shooting with one hand.
  • You will develop the required cybernetic loop for delivering a surgically accurate precision sighted shot with their support hand. You will discover why most right handed shooters can shoot more accurately with their left hand through “parallel processing”.
  • Learn the secret to making a smooth transition of the pistol from one hand to the other that maximizes the efficiency of the shooting grip.


  • We will utilize a Reactive Pop-up / Falling Plate Target System that limits the target’s exposure time to 50/100’s of a second to 1 second.  This forces the shooter to utilize the front sight as the stimulus for a conditioned response on the trigger.
  • We will take the Instructor out of the “conscious” mindset into a reactive “auto-pilot” mode while maintaining precision accuracy.  In other words, we will condition the shooting process to the unconscious so the shooter transforms into a “shooting machine” and can shoot with machine-like accuracy.


  • In order to fully understand the skills required to win a gunfight, we will analyze the complexity of the problems faced by someone in a confrontation and the strategies that will give them the winning advantage.
  • You will learn about the difference between “real” time” and “perceived time” and how this knowledge can give you a tactical edge.
  • We’ll explore the phenomena of “Emotional Contagion”.  You’ll learn why accuracy can dramatically degrade as much as 45% when more than one person is involved in shooting at a perpetrator.  Why it happens?  How to control it, and maximize your accuracy.


  • A new and critical technique that can be integrated into the “color code” (white, yellow, orange and red) that will give the trainee the needed “Key” to keeping their emotions under complete control even under extreme conditions.
  • Why the alignment of the trainee’s Beliefs and Values regarding the use of deadly force is as important to making an accurate shot as the alignment of their front and rear sight.
  • The instructor will participate from a student’s perspective in exercises that will stack their beliefs and values so they are congruent.  This will provide you with the tools to eliminate any hesitation that would prevent you from achieving peak performance when faced with a life threatening assailant.
  • You’ll learn how to minimize or virtually eliminate the potential effects of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome should you be involved in a shooting.


  • The instructors will be will be guided into an Alpha State and taught “The Circle of Excellence” technique.  This is one of the most powerful techniques for achieving peak performance.  (It is used by many professional and world class athletes.)  They will integrate and program the newly learned information to the unconscious and into future applications.

Conditioning the “contextual cues” for a shoot or don’t shoot situation.

  • The instructor will be confronted with a suspect or multiple suspects in “Real Time”.
    They will assess the threat and may use reasonable force, or deadly force based on the contextual cues using our RTS simulator.
  • They may be required to communicate and create a dialogue with the suspect using the Mind Bending Language Patterns taught in the class to diffuse the situation.
  • Some situations may require the Instructor to escalate to the use of deadly force, while other situations may require the Instructor to use non-lethal alternatives or deescalate to achieve a tactical advantage.  The simulated exercises are done with live ammunition and will truly test the conditioning processes of the skills learned in this program to assure that they transfer to the street.

The Insight Method

  • Instructors will be required to participate in a written evaluation to validate their understanding of the process.
  • Instructors will be required to demonstrate their presentation skills of the elements of marksmanship to other members of the class using all the psychological processes and skills learned in the program.


  • Implementing the Insight Method for “INSTANT” Precision Accuracy
  • The Instructors will work with each other demonstrating their ability to implement the Insight process by alternating their roles:  Instructor / Student.
  • The Instructors will demonstrate their ability to teach the “Gip” Technique for “Instant” success and assure your students are able to achieve focal acuity on their front sight.
  • Instructors will be required to “diagnose” shooters problems and create permanent change at the unconscious level.
  • Instructors will demonstrate their ability to apply the Tips and Cyber-Techniques for integrating the information and skills learned into the teaching application so they will be easily accepted by the student’s unconscious mind.
  • Instructors will demonstrate their ability to create a clear neuropathway from the brain to the trigger finger and isolate the trigger finger’s movement from the rest of the hand, so they don’t disturb the alignment of the sights during the trigger compression phase of the shooting process eliminating the anticipation and aversion to recoil.
    • Single Action Technique & Double Action Technique


  • How to get your Commanding Officers to buy-into allocating more time for developing your firearms training program in your department.
  • How to reduce the department’s ammunition expenditure in your firearms training program by 50%, reduce the amount of required training time by 70%, and yet enhance every officer’s skill level in the department.
  • Learn how to dramatically reduce your exposure to vicarious liability as a firearms instructor.
  • How to reduce your department’s liability by providing a better training program in the use of deadly force and shaping the officer’s discretionary skills.


  • Review & Test of the Skills Learned
  • Graduation
    • Certificates will be Awarded to the Graduating Instructors.

A Special Opportunity . . .

At the completion of these 5 days, you’ll possess the skills and power that few other people even know about.

And let there be no doubt, you WILL have these skills at your command and find your powers of teaching elevated to a new and higher level.  Matt and Sherrie are two of the most in-demand firearms instructors in the world because they are so effective

But. …… you don’t have to take my word for it . . .

Here’s What People Just Like You Have To Say About Live
Training Events With Master Instructors Matt and Sherrie Seibert

“This is the most valuable firearms training program I have attended in over 30 years.”  . . . Peter M. Tarley, Rockland County Academy Range Master, NY

“A breakthrough in law enforcement training.  It is based on a wonderful blend of two disciplines, Psychology and Police Science as it relates to firearms training.  It is the most innovative training I have attended in all my years as a firearms instructor.” . . . Rosemary Caruso, Firearms Instructor, NYC Dept. of Investigation

“I’ve been in the Federal Goverment 14 years in the Customs Department and also been in the Military for 7-1/2 years as a Law Enforcement Officer . . .This training is irreplaceable and I think they should incorporate it at the Federal level and in every Law Enforcement Academy” . . . Mitch Jackson, US Customs

“It was a great course.  I came in with an open mind and was able to go back and qualify with a Perfect Score !   You are ahead of your time.  The results speak for themselves.” . . .  Robi Simpson, Federal Officer

“I have been able to observe some excellent instructors through the country an I can say that I would rank you among the best !”. . .  John Bruch, Former FBI Special Agent  (John was responsible for the FBI National Academy Program in Arizona)

What Is This FOOLPROOF System Worth To You ?

If the investment to get a seat at this event were $10,000 . . . That would be a bargain.

After all, when you think about it, the instructional secrets you’ll discover will be VERY valuable to you.

If you need to shoot accurately on the street, just one accurate shot – especially in today’s society – could easily be worth that amount . . . and you’ll have this new accuracy and power at your command whenever you wish, year in, year out.

And what’s it worth to be able to go home to your family and friends at the end of every shift?

The GOOD News is that you won’t have to pay anywhere near $10,000.

The regular investment to attend the “5-Day Advanced Firearms Instructor’s Course” is just $2,297 for the full 5 day program.

BUT……..You won’t have to make even that modest investment when you act quickly.

Reserve your place EARLY and the investment for the
“5-Day Advanced Firearms Instructor’s Course” is:

The reason we’re making this so affordable is Sherrie and I strongly believe that this information is absolutely vital to your success in today’s unsure world.  And both of us want our brave warriors in Law Enforcement to have this edge.  How GOOD would it feel to have absolute confidence, (without ANY doubt) along with the surgical skills to make a precision shot when you need it the most? . . . We GUARANTEE you will have the confidence and the skills to hit the mark when your life depends on it !
(No Hype – Just Fact !!!)

We are changing the game, and you will have the advantage !!!

Please understand seating is strictly limited to the first to register and are processed on a first come, first served basis.  Once all 12 seats have been snapped up we have to shut the doors.

Also your investment is completely secure because . . .
You Must Be 100% Convinced After 2 Days . . . Or You Get Your
Money Back In FULL . . . Guaranteed!

That’s right.

You get to attend this event completely at my risk for 2 FULL days.

If at the end of those 2 days you’re not completely thrilled and delighted that you decided to attend the event . . . And that absolutely nothing could persuade you to miss out on the remaining 3 days . . . Then I insist you request a full refund of your investment.

Simply speak with myself or Sherrie at any point up until the end of the second day and you’ll receive a prompt and courteous refund in FULL.

No hassles, no questions and no hard feelings.

The only small condition is that you must actually show up at the event so that you give yourself a chance to experience this incredible teaching methodology.

I think you’ll agree that’s only fair.

And that’s not all. There’s also this . . .

Amazing FREE Bonus

You will receive 2 Free BONUS Days:  The Hypnotic Power Behind Insight’s Process … Where you will LEARN to Use Hypnosis to Control your Students Mind so Shooting Becomes as Easy as Driving a Car!….A $997 Value

. . . PLUS

You will receive a FREE 1-Year exclusive MEMBERSHIP … to the Insight Firearms Instructor’s Training Team where you will receive updates on new and exciting firearms teaching techniques throughout 2012.

The Event Is In Beautiful Prescott, Arizona
Environmentally Controlled…
For a Guaranteed Positive Learning Experience

You’ll realize why we’ve chosen this place as soon as you arrive the first day . . . It’s the *ideal* place to visit and absorb this new teaching system.

Plus with your government ID you’ll be eligible for hotel discounts.

Let’s Recap Why You’ll Want To Be At Insight’s “5-Day Advanced Firearms Instructor Course”

Here are 10 Compelling Reasons To Avoid Missing Out . . .

REASON #1: This may be the ONLY time this system is ever taught in this format.  I’ve had some reservations about holding this event … because this systems DYNAMITE!  In the wrong hands it could do a lot of harm.

REASON #2: Because this is live training, you have the opportunity to get all your questions answered. At the end of the program there will be no doubts, no gray areas and absolutely nothing that is not 100% crystal clear.

REASON #3: You be actively learning all the way through the program. This is not about theory. You’ll be shooting with deadly accuracy on the range but more importantly, that same deadly accuracy will transfer into the real world (and hey, isn’t that where it’s most important?)

REASON #4: You be hanging out with a very special group of people. This invitation is ONLY going out to individuals who’ve shown that they are serious and passionate about firearms training.

REASON #5: This is going to be a BLAST !  Based on previous live trainings with Matt and Sherrie (see the comments elsewhere from people who’ve attended such an event) it’s going to be a lot of FUN!  There’s an extra benefit to this, of course. You’ll actually learn faster and easier in a relaxed and “playful” environment.

REASON #6: You’ll walk out of the seminar a capable and confident shooter and firearms instructor.  You’ll be ready to put this amazing teaching system to work for you straightaway.  No theory, you’ll know exactly what to do to get extraordinary RESULTS.

REASON #7: If you’re serious about improving your accuracy and the accuracy of your students, you don’t want miss out on this event. The instructors who attend this program will be in a completely different league to anyone else when it comes to firearms training (even so-called “experts” will be baffled and frustrated as they try to figure out what you’re up to).

REASON #8: This is your chance to be part of a great adventure with Matt and Sherrie as they continue to push back the frontiers of firearms training and expand what’s possible.

REASON #9: You get to take advantage of the FREE Bonus 2 day The Hypnotic Power Behind Insight’s Process .  (A $997 Value ! ) AND receive a FREE Insight Membership so you can continue to get updated on the newest and most effective firearms teaching techniques available on this planet.

REASON #10: You get to treat yourself to a well-deserved training experience that will change your life and the life of others, so you can make a difference. . . You will have the maximum advantage . . . You Will be Deadly Accurate . . . You will go home to your family and friends at the end of every shift. . . You are worth it !


FIREARM RELATED: Semi Automatic Pistol, Holster, 2 Extra Magazines, Mag. Pouch.   A Double Action Revolver & Holster or Gun Case for the Revolver
(If you do not have a Revolver, please let us know and we can supply one.)

AMMUNITION: 500 rounds of Semi-Auto Ammo (FMJ) and 50 rounds of Revolver Ammo (FMJ) (Please NO Hollow Points, Wadcutters, or Armor Piercing Ammo)

SAFETY RELATED: Eye & Ear Protection  (We can supply Eye and Ear protection.)
(Please bring your “Reading Glasses” if you use them.)

As Promised . . .


As instructors we all know the importance of focusing on the front sight, but sometimes we still don’t shoot as accurately as we really feel we’re capable of shooting.  So, my question is this: How do you know if you are really focusing on the front sight? .  . . AND. . . How do you know if your students are really focused on their front sight?

It’s easy to find out with a few specialized questions that will deconstruct their process and help you diagnose a multitude of deficiencies.

ASK: “When the shot was released, what did you see?”

If the answer is: “The target”, OR if they indicate where the shot hit on the target, OR if the answer is: “I’m Not really sure.”  Then you know their focus was NOT exclusively on the front sight.

If the answer is: “Well I thought I was looking at my front sight.”  The word “looking” is a linguistic indication that they were NOT intently “focused” on the front sight.  The act of “looking” is very casual and implies that they did NOT make the 3 proper visual movements of the eye and were not intently focused on the front sight.

You can refine the question even further by asking this question; “When the shot was released, did the front sight recoil off to the left ?  OR off to the right ?,OR straight up ?, AND did the front sight naturally come back into perfect alignment with the rear sight?” If the question can’t be answered, or if there is uncertainty, then the required intensity of the visual focus on the front sight was not fully achieved and visual follow-through was not used.

These simple questions will help guide the shooter’s concentrated focus on the front sight and assures their focus stays on the front sight for proper Visual Follow-Through !

In the 5-Day Advanced Instructors Course you’ll receive literally hundreds of valuable training tips that construct this revolutionary new teaching system.

Now It’s Up To You . . . 

We look forward to welcoming you to the program !

Matt & Sherrie Seibert
PO Box 12293
Prescott, AZ 86304-2293
(928) 708-9208   FAX (928) 776-4668